I think the gamespot review lack of deep about this game, most heroes fans will say this is one of the best exp ever

User Rating: 9 | Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East PC
Heroes of Might and Magic V Tribes of the east is one of the best (in content and innovation) expansions ever in the series history... can be hard if you don't know the game at all... alternative upgrades gives a lot of new strategies to every town, the new race "the orcs" is a good innovation to the clasical style of the saga... based on blood rage ability the orcs are able to encourage with diferent level bonus just fighting... and yes they cannot cast normal spells but they are able to block any magic school... Heroes Of Might And Magic is not that kind of game that shows all in the surface... you need to good deeply to understand what is this about... the new creatures is not about how they look is about what they do... the diference between each alternative upgrades are very important to the strategy of the game... you can change any time the alternate upgrade depending of the circunstances, just for a small price...

I seriusly think the gamespot review lacks a lot in deep, knowledge and if is too hard for you there is a easy level for you :)