If you give it a chance and can ignore people talking smack to you for doing something dumb this is a great game
This game has gotten a lot of bad rep because people take winning serious which leads them to insult anyone that fails to play in a smart way. Although its not a game that you should think about playing casually. If you decide to get into it prepare to put more time into it then you've ever put into a game to get out of the "noob" range.
I started with out playing any Dota and it was my first Computer game of the time so I wasn't used to the multi tasking that it takes to be good, but if your willing to put the time into you can start to in joy the award of winning.
All of this comes from 300 games that I've played with a total time in game of over 180 hours. Currently I don't ever get raged at for playing dumb, but I still play a lot of support hero's and I keep constant wards for my team. This isn't the funnest way to play because you don't tend to get many kills, but being a team game this role is extremely important in such an intensive team based game.