arcade-style WW2 flight action game? hell yes! this game is just heaps and heaps of pure fun!
this game is by no means a flight simulator, its an arcade-style action game that just happens to take place during WW2 and uses the period's aircraft.
with that said this game is also pure absolute distilled fun!
heaps and heaps and heaps of planes to choose from, a long and challenging campaign, and red hot white knuckled action to the max!
fly a fighter and dogfight zeros, divebomb or torpedo enemy warships, and strafe and rocket ground forces and emplacements, the action never ever stops.
this is one of the first games ive seen that actuall does air-to-ground combat RIGHT.
the visuals are by no means spectacular, but are all very well done and very pretty to look at.
the sound is absolutly amazing and the gamplay is feverish and intense.
one of the best point about this game is that making torpedo runs and divebombing, that would could have been a tedious task that would have detraced from the games nature are quit possibly the best things about it...
the high-ptiched WHHRREEE you hear as you plummet down from the skies on your unsuspecting target and shove a 1000 pound down its throught is immensiley satisfying.
this game is a must play for all people who like action-gaming. simply a must play. you will not be disappointed.
it isnt innovative, and it isnt groundbreaking. but it does everything RIGHT. and has a real fantastic feel to it. this game is just plain fun and absolutly heaploads of it.