After playing Heroes over the Pacific, I had some high expectations. Boy am I disappointed.
I bought it from Steam and the install was flawless. I can not say that I have found any bugs in the game. Just design flaws.
There is only two views to play from first of all. From a sort of chase plane view behind you and from a view from about where you rudder is. A cockpit view would have been nice. The controls are poor. First of all, you can not assign your controls at all. I have 8 buttons on my controller and most of them are not used for anything. Controlling the plane is a pain. While the HOTP controlled more like an arcade game than a sim, this game is worse. In air to air the control is tolerable. When you have to have pin point accuracy for ground targets (the second mission for example), it is difficult to impossible to hit anything smaller than say, a house.
On the good side, the graphics are really quite nice. The scenery is well done. The also added the "Ace" mode. If you get close enough and keep the target in or near your aiming point you can go into a slow motion pick your shot mode that is new and pretty neat.
Overall, I would tell everyone to steer clear of this game. Even if you liked HOTP, you will not like this game.