The Best Dogfighting Game in Years
On the issue of graphics the ground and general enviornment do seem lacking at first, but mark my words it gets better, This isn't necessicerily consistent but the later missions, especially London in the rain, were much better than say the London night raid.
The voice acting really wasn't bad at all. There's no real investment in the characters to attach you, but as Crocker said in his review this is an arcade game and not a real story-driven campaign. There is a story, told from the perspective of 3 different pilots, and there are some nice footage reels from WWII inbetween missions as well as some story snippits but none of that really affects the overall game.
Musically the game is satisfying. All the pieces are appropriate and fit well into the action.
The Ace feature is revolutionary. It is easily the best feature of the game and, despite Gamespot's review, it is not repetitious at all. The difficulty of lining that shot up in a dogfight is appropriate and I can't imagine getting tired of it unless the Rookie mode is significantly easier than Pilot, which I played on.
The game handles nicely control-wise, but it may take some time to adapt to the 2-stick flight controls. This one would work better with a flightstick.
Pound for pound this game is FUN. Its pick up and play and a LOT better than Blazing Angels. It's not often that I get engaged in a dogfighting game but this one paused Brutal Legend AND Demon's Souls. Ignore Gamespot's reviewer; Heroes Over Europe is surprisingly good.