About the throne room doth they stand, as to hath been but what such that of locus requiescat but that grotesque a beast

User Rating: 10 | Hexen N64
As the lone warrior as to have casted about- as far about the beings of heresiarchs as through which lays in purloined, a viper to strike. And then but what such a girdler of Death and a commonwealth of vagabonds do greet and beckon with ichor, a lust infintum. And art such a gibbet to which doth lay, but what avail as to hath been corrupt...

(kataskopos) First came Heretic, a critically acclaimed fantasy game that pushed the DOOM engine farther than ever before. In the original DOOM, doors swung only vertically, and the lineaur default was the vexillarius of catacombs and cavernous maws, the same limited and thus dull gameplay. Heretic was revolutionary in the First-person Shooter genre because it allowed one to carry items in an inventory, and the person to look up and down giving the realm a more broader and realistic attitude. There were also water currents and magma flows.

Next came HeXen. In HeXen after D'sparil's demise, Korax the second Serpent Rider was left to sunjugate the planet unto his demented mind and to hold all in thrall to his seductive gaze of Death be imperator, and drunk in such stupor of greed and lust.
As of that eventful day, a being in green light dawned upon me as it entered
The garrison. It wearing a cloak but a cloak of a brilliant, majestic form. I cannot say of such a mahout as it was shielded by the cloak
of the night but there was to be seen a crossed Trident.
Normally, strangers were questioned as to their business to be here. However, such were these petty rabbles, intimidated by such a splendor
Who would dare question such beings with gold dazzling all over their
figure?! I think not! However, clothes do not give life or such
That is pure. What laid underneath of such frivolous deeds was of more importance. No clothes can bare or obscure what lays within.
Its eyes, crimson, drunk with the stupor of greed and lust.
As they spoke, as they doth spread their poisonous lies with which the populace and guards, like dogs who listen to their master obediantly,
like cattle who are herded by their sheperds,
Such was it their hearts ichored with an extreme wanting of power. That masquerading being, that crooked smile that oft concealed its
hatred for anything that is not its own. Neither through force
were the populace conquered nor strength of arms, but that of
Now you must control one of these three vanguards who must purge this world of such a pestilence that has forsakened a realm where its cosmopolitan was at its zenith and prosperity and might Dux Bellorum, but to what such failures of privatuse and petty plebeian's pace, but to what such that of sin as to have been such that of Despair- to have led to dissidence and slothfulness. Were the triumvirate led to Death but of the loss of conviction to what such grotesque passions of the dreaded heresiarch, and vagabonds its courtiers.

The graphics of HeXen are a further improvement and the limit of the DOOM engine. It is still a signifier of 2-D and is limited by such in latitude. However, the features are taken to the limit. Doors can now swing open, torches flicker in the distance casting grotesque and chitinous symmetries and revelleries, water has currents that act as bigas for thee,
skies bellow and cackle with thunder and lightning can be seen, the skies are crimson to act as vexillarius of the corruption which has befallen the planet of Cronos. Clouds can be seen frolicking about the ether with grace, magma flows in its methodical pace, earthquakes occur destroying bridges and pillars alike, leaves blow in the wind, bricks crumble, ethereal portals taunt you with their mesmorizing gaze, fog with its myrmidon presence billows about and cloaks you as if a patrician to a plebeian, the muck slouches ahead, trees can be maimed and set ablaze, et cetera.

The gameplay in HeXen is also outstanding. You get to choose from a triumvirate of characters. Baratus the warrior has the brute strength, armor (lorica segmentata), and speed to slaughter any who go close by, however, his magic and mana intake is poor. Parias the cleric is a blend of mystical and physical discipline. He has good in all qualities. Daedolan is puny and petty in brute strength, but rather is the imperator of magic. With these three souls, you must slaughter the chitinous horror that is Korax, and thus cleanse the planet from his poisonous reign of Corruption. Another important feature is the hub legios, based on the signature of a particular vexillarius with cornicens as conturbanalis, and the entity of the totality of things being the imaginifier. Each hub contains a large pinpoint of latitude and a great provision of things unto hand.
The first hub or the Seven Portals is modeled after a mos mairovm (though that of vagabond tariff), the second hub is based on forests and bastions of mysticism. This provides variety and quenches any thoughts of dissidence and the pestilence of boredom- be it a flechette, yet the quartz flask be your antidote as pertaining to the game. A final gameplay feature is the architecture. You will see that of pillars- Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Composite, all relating to Greco-Roman trends and cosmopolitan desires and tastes. Bastions, citadels, and castles have stood their barren ground, waiting for any to come and cherish it.

The hubs of the pertaining vexillarius are as follows:

Guardian of Ice
Guardian of Steel
Guardian of Fire
Caves of Circe
Waste Lands
Orchard of Lamentations
Silent Reflectory
Griffon Chapel
Wolf Chapel
Dragon Chapel
Deathwind Chapel
Forsaken Outpost
Zedek's Tomb
Traductus' Tomb
Meneliker's Tomb
Dark Crucible

These are the signifiers of the particular vexillarius of the pertaining imaginifier.

The bestiary is cornicen in departement and carabineer's grace as the leading signifier of the game. Here you will see a large variety of behomeths that compose Korax' Grand Legios.
Ettins are two-headed behomeths that were once the proud legionnaires of Cronos. They are slow witted, their stratagems are petty at the utmost diligence. Centaurs carry scutums and razor sharp swords. They bellow with chitinous tongues, and taunt you with their hearts' ichor of a bloodbath.
They can deflect projectiles with their shields. Chaos Serpents are the mahouts of the game as they can crane their necks and have the advantage of height. They spur forth fireballs. Heresiarchs are the lords of blasphemy and heresy, that dissolve the mos mairovm and dissipate unity. They pierce one with Despair and with crimson eye demoralize the conviction of the bold. The others are the wendigo which is basically a behometh composed of ice. They roam the ice realms such as the Guardian of Ice and make a come back feature in the Vivarium. The stalker is an aquatic reptile found in levels such as Darkmere, and in levels with a gargantuan amount of water. They can hide in the water where they are invulnerable, until they jump out to throw a pestilential projectile at you.
The dark bishops are found in the Heresiarch's Seminary. They are high clergymen who were corrupted by Korax's demented mind. They wear robes with their insignia of the Order, and only their jade eyes pierce through the mist of what such revellery to have decreed that of brazen trumpeter of Despair, their loss of Hope and the subjugation of their free will and manner. The reiver is found in the last hub, and is a revived corpse with crimson, glaring eye. They wear a helm on top of their craniums.
You also face the triumvirate of the corrupted leaders: Zedek, Marshal of the Legios, Traductus, Patriarch of the Church, and Meneliker, Archmage of the Arcanum. You must slaughter these three behomeths who are now mere wraiths of such grotesque and chitinous passions. Finally, after the spilt blood of thousands, you enter the gaping maw of the Rider itself. There it awaits with crooked smile, eyes of lust- Korax.

Finally, the music departement is splendid. It spurs forth images of boundless ecstasy to the most ominous and brooding of Despair. Where darkness hath been, Death be entourage and Light be vagabond. The music is intense or that of requiescat. Excellent compositions and symphonies that represent the particular hub unto hand.

All in all, HeXen is a wonderful game with numerous benefits and factors that lead not to a death knell of what such doom to have befallen. If dissidence and doubt still exists, at least get the demo and see the marvels as to have been etched with conviction and effort. Go slaughter the centuries and cohorts of Corruption- everlasting damnation unto itself.

HeXen- splendid game!