wow is it legal to make a game this bad.
gameplay-what is there to say i thought in the beggining it woul be great especially with a mic but i was wrong i think the mic made it worse,first off you are very limited to words you can say the only funny thing was when i said fart pickachu farted accually even though i said it about 20 the game you have a pickachu that you got from profesor oak and you play around and do dumb boring tasks like helping other pokemon and other dumb stuff like that.
graphics-this is the only good part of the game even though they aint anything to praise about.pickachu and the pokemon do look okay but it could of been inproved a bit.
sound-from what i remember it was't too good but some was fairly okay.i don't really remember too much about it so thats all i'll put for sound.
overall this game is nothing you'd want unless you are trying to get every pokemon game if not and you still have it burn it blow it up or any way you can think of getting rid of this game,so i do not reccomend this game.