This is just not a fun game.
Bad: Everything else
Hey You Pikachu is one of the most hardcore games to come along in years, Pikachu robs an armory, gets weapons the goes around Saffron City stealing cars, buses and anything else with a motor. He fights gang leaders and big bad bosses while taking prostitute Jigglypuff's to score with him in some bushes.
Yeah you probably wish that Hey You Pikachu was like that, heck it would make Grand Theft Auto look bad. Unfortunately, HYP is nothing like that and is one of the most boring and tedious games on the market.
I was your average kid walking into K-Mart and seeing this game on the shelf for only $9.99. Being a fool, I thought "Oh cool a new Pokemon game!" and bought it. Why I bought it, I will never know and that is exactly what I thought of it after playing it. So you turn the game on, it goes to the title screen and Pikachu is standing there. You can talk to him but he doesn't really respond at all. In fact, it's hard to get him to respond at all throughout the entire game and the worst part is, is that it is a voice reconization game.
Pokemon and voice reconization. Those two factors don't miss. If you think they do then go ahead and play this awful game. Then you'll be convinced they don't.
The game's world is nowhere near as big as it is in the Gameboy Pokemon games. Okay people, this is Nintendo 64. Outdated but still one hundred times more powerful then Gameboy and yet the Pokemon on Gameboy still are much more bigger than this pile of crap?
There is a beach, forest, etc. Where Pikachu will go fishing, have a picnic with his friends like Charmander and Bulbasaur. If this, in anyway interests you then drop the controller and go to preschool. And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want friends that know "Vine Attack" and "Flamethrower."
Overall Hey You Pikachu is a horrible game, don't buy it, don' ttalk about it, don't think about it. Stay away from it, the games mechanics hardly work right. Whatever you do pay no attention to GS's 8.3 score for this game. This game is awful and I'm telling you now.