This game is really fun...when it works! It's so full of bugs and technical difficulties that it's nearly unplayable.
While the game offered a pretty simple user interface to allow for good squad control as well as first person shoot control, it suffered from several very major bugs. This game had bugs that would cause really crazy things like making your soldiers simply fall into the earth (and die) while walking. The AI was just horrible! In the first mission, you must guide your squad across a bridge that periodically has trains rolling over it. You could set your soldiers in position, have them "hold" position (at least you THINK they're holding), and a soldier would crawl onto the tracks when the train arrived and be run over (and killed). There were MANY bugs in this game that caused similar events through the game.
If you managed to find this game in a bargain bin...leave it there! This game is so old that it won't run on Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7--and you wouldn't want it to anyway. While the game was fun when it worked,'s a real DUD!
Forget about it.