So much potential, but what a letdown!
The game has pretty nice graphics. The settings are nicely done with some small details. However, the graphics of the cut scenes were very difficult to actually see as I had to hold the DS up to my ear, even on full volume, to be able to hear the main character's voice as she narrated. As I generally don't have hearing problems, I'm going to say it was the game's issue. Other sounds in the game are at a normal volume.
As mentioned before, the length of the game is a major problem for me. I wasn't expecting day and days of gameplay, but with other similar games you will get at least a a few sessions of several hours. With Titanic, I sat down to play, spent some time randomly clicking when the answer to a puzzle wasn't immediately obvious, and was done in under four hours. At first, I thought there had been some sort of glitch and I had somehow skipped most of the game. This was not the case.
The storyline is somewhat interesting, but very underdeveloped, mainly due to the lack of time for development. The main character, the young newlywed Margaret, is engaging and I found myself wanting to know more about her background and how she came to be married to her wealthy husband. Some of the tasks you have to complete as Margaret can be hilarious and others are simply questionable. Your interactions with other characters can also be humorous. The narrations also somewhat touch upon the importance of the tragedy that the game is based upon.
Overall, I did enjoy the game and would recommend it to people who enjoy point and click games and hidden object games. Be warned that the game is very short and the puzzles can be silly. I wouldn't pay full price for it again. Actually, I probably wouldn't pay any price for it, but I am glad I tried it. I just wish it had been more developed and longer, as it really does have potential.