This game received negative reviews, and yet I still wonder why...

User Rating: 9.5 | Hired Team PC
This is Hired Team Trial Gold. I only began playing this game recently, and I love it!

This game received so many poor reviews, and why is that?

There's nothing wrong with this game! Basically, it's a deathmatch FPS based in the future, and developed under the Unreal Tournament engine.

The game is fun, the weapons pack a lot of punch, and man, its gory fun.

The shotgun is my favorite. You go right up close to someone, and BOOM they explode.

Honestly, what's up with all these reviews? Gamespot gave it a 3.5/10?? What?

Sure it's not the most perfect game of all time, but hey, what game is?

I highly recommend this game. You'll find it real cheap on Amazon or eBay, so it's not real hard to find. This game is great. I LIKE IT.

Only sad thing, is that no one plays this game online. And I can bet 'ya that this game sold terribly, too.