Historys games dont have a good rep will Patton change that??
This is a turn based strategy game, that has alot of elements of Xcom enemy unknown, not as complex but a more generic version which is not a bad thing at all really the only pick I can find on it is the sound and the graphics, first the graphics are really old school at best, but this is a turned base strategy game so it really does not matter.
The music and voice acting is forgetable at best sure you have the typical war themes but for some reason the music has a tendacy to stop and restart for no reason the little yes sir yelps from your troops will get on your nerves for they are quite irratable, but now the game play is done well it has a sort of RPG feel to it since you can upgrade your troops from soldiers to Rangers to Commandos which make you actually get attached to your squad and not just using them as cannon fodder,you get prestige to upgrade your troops with and you get medals for experience and you also can upgrade Pattons skills to kinda customize what your squad will be you can beef up Pattons leadership skill to make your troops more acurate or defensive skills to make them tougher, well you get the idea,you can also add tanks to your squad which is a cool thing,and you can find ammo crates or medic kits to help your troops in the feild or you can just call in a supply drop which at the end of the mission does take away some prestiege.
So do I think you would like this game? Well if your a strategy fan a world war two buff or like xcom yes you will love it slitherine actually helped innthe making of the game and it really shows, if the history games stays on this track they may start making games instead of sleeper hits. But Patton is a good game and there definetly on the right track.