Eidos Interactive has really done a great job making Hitman 2.
User Rating: 9.1 | Hitman 2: Silent Assassin PC
Agent 47 entered the gaming world trough Hitman: Codename 47, which is a brilliantly well balanced game. You controle a mass-copied hitman which is number 47 in the line. There is by no doupht something special about this copy. In Hitman 2, agent 47 is living in a monestary with a prest. He's turned to a nicer, religious man. But will soon have to turn to his old killing self. The visuals is not the best on the market but is has no flaws. Light effects and real realistic blod is some of the graphical features in Hitman 2. The music is maybe the best I've ever heard in a game. The music that's in the russian missions is maybe the best of them all. I got goosepumpers when this brilliant sound track came over my speakers during on of the first missions. The sound effects is also great. The gameplay is pretty much the same as in Hitman: Codename 47. But now there's even more choises to make during your missions. How can I get into that building without beeing noticed? Will the alarm go of if I shoot down this guard? This is some of the questions that will pop up during playing this game. + Brilliant music which may be the best I've ever heard in a any video-game. The visuals is good. Changing clothes to trick enemies is a great feature in both Hitman:Codeman 47 and Hitman 3: Silent Assassin. - A real idiotic saving system, which could have had the same system as any other shooter on the market. The bullets move to slow! Believe it or not!