A sad example of ruinous design choices rendering inconsequential otherwise solid gameplay mechanics
Why, oh god of Hitman, dost thou artificial intelligence possess such abilities? If the disguise system of previous Hitman games seemed a little bit contrived at times, how dost thou deem this an improvement? For the prophet 47 can be seen in full view of those who share his apparel, as long as he tips his hat or ducks his head, yet the tip of his elbow can give away his identity if he fails to perform such an action! And why dost thou sayeth in early trials that we may choose to complete levels how we like, while at the same time reprimanding us with detractions to our score using a meter of imposing notability which cannot be turned off? And why must we be forced to rely on thy infrequent checkpoints which do not save if we quit the game? And why dost thou insist on manipulating the levels to reflect a story of which I have no interest or investment in? I pose these questions to ye oh God of Hitman, for I am in need of guidance in these matters and cannot see the wisdom of your ways.