The next Hitman will be the best game ever.
User Rating: 8.8 | Hitman: Blood Money PS2
The Hitman series has been getting progressivly better game after game. Started out sucking though so thats why it hasn't reached godly porpotions yet (longer rope to climb) but I don't doubt it will. Silent Assasin was an ok game, Contacts was a good game and now Blood Money is bad mutha trucken game. I won't go into detail about gameplay but its open ended in the ways you can go about killing the people you need to kill and even though your really just kill and retreive every mission it doesnt get old as some might expect. But really you can read about that elsewhere, what I want to talk about is how bad*** agent 47 is. He's so bad *** he snaps his birds neck without flinching and rises from the dead to kill people. He is truley on the same level as sam fisher though I wouldnt go as far to say solid snake sam fisher is still bad***. This is really a series you should get into if you like mgs, splinter cell, action games in general, maybe even puzzle games because it can be puzzling thinking how you gonna bust in a place and bust a cap and then bust a move and get the heck out of there before they bust your ***. Soooo. Good game. Great game. You play game now.....and even though I'm a guy ladys I'm pretty sure you'll find agent 47 damn sexy.