The best of all the Hitman games.
GAMEPLAY - If you've played the other Hitman games, you should know what you're getting into. If not, takes awhile to explain, but basically you're just taking on the role of a hitman and eliminating 1 or 2 targets in each mission. They have some neat little additions here, but the concept remains the same. I really like the situations during the missions of this game, which I think is the big reason why I enjoy it more than the rest. If crashing a kid's birthday party or sneaking around an opera house sounds fun to you, then I'd definitely recommend trying this. - 10/10
STORY - There isn't a huge story to be had here. Mostly you're spending your time doing mission after mission. There is this individual who's keeping track of your progress that you ultimately come into conflict with, but otherwise it's just fun mission after fun mission. - 8.5/10
GRAPHICS - The graphics are the best of any Hitman game, but even then they're actually pretty great. You can't expect more here as far as graphics go considering the time this came out. - 9.5/10
SOUND - The voice acting is great as always, and the music tends to respond to what is going on. Nothing really to say more here. - 9/10
LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - This game isn't incredibly long, but the missions are so much fun that you're going to want to play through these levels over and over again. I tend to like to go through as stealthy as possible, but for those who like to try both, this game will prove very interesting. There are also multiple ways of doing things here, so there's a lot of fun here for people who are creative. - 10/10
BOTTOM LINE - If you only get one Hitman game, this is the one you should try. The environments you play in combined with the different ways of achieving your objectives makes this game never get dull, even after playing through multiple times. Everything that goes into a Hitman game is shown in its best form here, and I hope they ultimately make another game in the series. - 9.5/10