this is one game i couldnt put down!

User Rating: 9 | Hitman: Blood Money X360
this was one the best games i have ever played. there are so many ways of completing an objective or even taking someone out. you can choke a guy to death with your fiber wire then take his clothing, upgrade you weapons, plan out traps(as if you were going to put a detonator on a chain thats bolted down to hold a schandlier, detonate it, squash your target).

just like the upcoming "far cry 2" videogame, you can in loud or go in silently and assassinate your target.
ofcourse if you go loud you'll get less money for it at the end of the mission but atleast it was a blast doing it though.

the AI is really good in hitman. i was impressed. this game, depending on how you do your acheivments, one secret one is saving your money up to $5 million but i didnt find that out til later. after the credits roll, you can wiggle your left anolog stick really fast to make Agent 47 come back to life and you can kill everyone around including the guy in the wheelchair mainly because he wanted you dead.

while i was taking my time on this awesome game i was also watching the movie which also great!haha!