With several difficulty settings and lots of levels, this game has plenty to offer

User Rating: 8.8 | Hitman: Blood Money PC
Hitman: Blood Money is the fourth game in the Hitman Series. It is great for both returning and new Hitman players. I had never played a Hitman game before Blood Money, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Luckily, I was pleasently surprised.

Hitman fulfills a lot of different aspects of the shooter and adventure games. It provides a whole array of levels with different tasks and rewards. This appeals to adventure gamers because of the complexity of some of the levels, as well as the challenge. Because of the range of difficulty settings, players can learn to play the game effectively in a short amount of time.

People who like shooter games will like the shooting side of Blood Money, which is pretty good. It allows the player to switch between first-person and third-person view, so it caters for more people. There is also a large selection of guns, upgrades and accessories for you to buy. This also throws a bit of strategy in to the game.

People who like stealth games are also sure to enjoy this game. With a range of alternative weapons (such as poison, fibrewire and sedative) that all involve stealth, Blood Money pute quite a focus on it. Some levels require the use of stealth, but utually its just fun to sneak up on someone and kill them quietly.

With an interesting group of levels, targets and challenges, Hitman: Blood Money is good at being a shooter, an adventure and a stealth game. It has something for almost anyone.