An awsome game even with ps3 around its still worth playing. Do not miss this thrilling action OR stealth game.

User Rating: 9 | Hitman: Blood Money PS2
Hitman is undoubtedly one of the best game series of all time and it deserves recognition of that even in 2009 all the Hitman games (maybe excluding codename 47) are still fantastic games today.

Blood money gives the player even more personal input into how you perform your hit.

The main focus in Blood Money is making deaths look like accidents (e.g. tampering with someones gas stove). Of course this is optional and if you prefer to approach a mission with guns blazing feel free.

The only downside to this game is that the game to an extent encourages you to make everything look like an accident and not be seen doing anything. This will earn you the most money which will allow you to buy more upgrades for your weapons which most of the time you won't be using because you will be trying to get the best score at the end of the level however you can still get a excellent result if you can manage to be very precise and only use a small amount of silenced ammo. If you are trying to get a silent assassin rating and use guns the sniper rifle is the most desirable choice especially when silenced.

You will find yourself restarting levels alot in Blood Money but this isn't necessarily a bad thing as you will be experimenting with endless possibilities on how to kill your target which is tons of fon to do. This also adds alot of extra time to the game.

In conclusion this is not a game that should be missed. Any person should enjoy this game. Don't worry about a games violent or sexual content parents because kids will take in all this stuff just by going to school im only 14 and ive always loved violent games it is a great way to channel fury by putting a bullet in an artificially created security guards head. No one deserves to miss out on this game.