Even though it's the only hitman game i've played, it's pretty damn fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Hitman: Blood Money PC
I've never really played hitman games until this one, probably because of my age and my overly protective parents. When me and a friend finally went together and bough the three game series, i got this one and he got the other two. The apporach to gameplay in this series is to get in, kill you man, and get out, without anyone getting suspicious. you can take peoples clothing, poison food, garrotte, punch, shoot, and knife your way through the level if you choose, but usually this will result in a poor rating. this is one of the few games i know of that has a good 1st and 3rd person view, and you can constantly switch between the two. the game is a reasonable legth and difficulty, and it looks not bad for 2006. my biggest complaint is the inabillity to save during a mission, quit the game, and then restart it and load that save. you are forced to play the missions from the start to finish without interruption. the plot is basic, but not at all bad. the sound is not stunning, but it does the trick. overall, i would reccomend this to people who like violent stealth games. kinda like splinter cell.