Totaly awesome! Brutaly violent and cold blooded. Make your way through levels undetected, or shoot everyone in sight.

User Rating: 10 | Hitman: Blood Money PC
With out a doubt the best in the series. First off I'll talk about the realism. HMBM features state of the art graphics. You can easily see details such as wrinkles, folds, and creases in 47's clothes, no matter what he is wearing. The realism of the water is amazing, and easily resembles Morrowind's. Plus, this is the first game I have seen that allows you to see BULLETHOLES in people where you shoot them. After several seconds the victim will 'bleed out' on the floor. But if you start dragging the victim immediately, youll leave behind a convicting trail of blood. The AI in this game also have scedualls. Everyone had to go to the bathroom one in a while, the cook might want a smoke, and someone's got to take out that trash. The games AI are generaly pretty smart, and will follow blood trails, and frisk you for weapons as you enter buildings. A VERY nice touch is the new 'accident factor.' You can make the targets death look lik a complete accident in several ways. i.e., Pouring lots of extra gas onto a grill at a party, pushing an unsuspecting victim off of a balcony, or rigging a chanilier rope to break. You can also now stash bodies. i.e. Throw them over a railing, of a boat, into a furnace, or into a freezer. There is also a new notority rating. Leaving witnesses and evidence increases this rating. The higher your progressive rating the tighter the security will be on your next assignment. You can decrease this rating by bribing civians, police officers, and even the FBI. But beware, all of this costs money.Which you will get a large sum of upon completing your mission. ou can use this to upgrade your weapons, buy kevlar vests, and lower the afor mentioned notority rating. You will also lose money by leaving weapons, your suit, and bodies for Agency to clean up. This is referred to as damage control. Like previous HM games, you have the option to run n gun and kill everyone in sight (Leave no witnesses =]) or go through the level without anyone even knowing you were there. This game gives you extraordinary graphics, sound, and gameplay. A game that can be called nothing but flawless.