Blood Money is not the longest game, but it is the best in the series
Game play: 8/10
Graphics: 9/10
Story: 10/10
Sounds: 9/10
Overall and price: 9.6/10
Game play:
Depending on the last years game contracts, Blood money has improved to new direction in game play. There are some new things and some old things as well. 47 can take human shields to dodge from enemies bullets. The newspaper can be read after completing a mission, but the newspaper is practically the same every time. 47 can tune his weapons and equipment for example: lockpick can pick a lock 50% faster and Silver pistols can be silenced and they can be dual pistols as well. There are also good variety of weapons. there are some old ones and new weapons as well. The basic mission is to take out one target or more targets and sometimes retrieve something precious to complete the contract. After completing each mission there will be a screen, that shows your success. screen shows the amount of money you have earned and how good was your job done. For the money you can pay the officials to forget you, it is only, when job was done like a disaster. Also the money is good for tuning your weapons and in missions try to use sedative syringe, because hurting civilians will drag down the overall rating. There are several ways to take down your targets. for example: drop a piano on someone, or push targets of balconies and
use poison syringe to put them out.
Blood money on the playstation 2 has improved a lot in the graphical level. 47 looks more detailed. level design has done nicely and other characters are detailed nicely as well. Especially the game shows the graphical when there are at least hundred people walking around at the same time.
You play as 47, your time has come. Other rival agencies want to take you down and your at the same time your agency is falling apart. It is up to you to stop this.
sounds in the game are good. Voice work is solid as always. gunfire sounds are quite realistic and the sounds of people walking and party sounds are cool as well.
Overall and price:
Overall Hitman: Blood Money is an edition to the series, it is the best hitman game right now. great game play elements, great graphics, great stroyline should hook you for some time. it is reccomended for every 47 fan.