Takes the beloved series to a whole new level...

User Rating: 9.4 | Hitman: Blood Money PS2
Blood Money is brand new edittion to the superb stealth series which brings in the near full package including new levels, weapons technigues to kills, story and... well an overall game structure to Hitman...

Sound and Graphics
The graphics are pretty much the same to the previous titles of this series yet with more character depth, blood and texture damage that greatly bring realism to this piece yet at obvious times the pixels show clear before your eyes yet atleast its for a good cause as it trys to bring in more face movement and skin texture. The blood splats like it should if it were in real life yet has a bright colour equal to ketchup... The sound however is of such quality. Even when nothing is happening on screen you'll hear plenty of sinister background noises from foot steps to water drops... mixed in well with beautiful back theme music that blends in with either a calm setting or a raging shootout. This doesn't only make the game feel more realistic, its also creates plenty of tension even when little is happening on screen and that is what makes this a unquie experience for many gamers...

Those familuar with how the game works will be delighted to know that its a great extention to the previous that helps much when you want the same game but new experience. Along side you various whack attempts, it also causes the player to think before they shoot as whatever you did in the last level has a chance of affecting your current play form. This is because eye witnesses, camera footage and any other trail that leads back to you can send a shockwave through the media and thus your face can become remembered, in so its your duty to be as secret as possible, avoid big show kills, bribe when required and steal any evidence on you... and how ell you play can help you greatly as now you actually recieve the money you hear about all the time in the past games. These payments are based on how quick, clean and quiet the kills you make are, not to mention being less public and even taking back your original suit, thats right, even whether you remember to keep you suit at the end can affect the amount of blood money (hehe) you gain. This money is to upgrade your weapons in the traditional game ways like silencer, scope etc add ons and boosting your fire power, capacity etc... this can make sure you play it safe through out causing you to really pan out every outcome that may result from any of your actions and what is left will be printed out on the newspaper for you to read! Howver some levels may be a little easier than others for experienced gamers...

The plot is complex if you know little about the games before yet has nice twists and an ending you'll find different from the usual.... however the plot telling the plot (like one reading a novel) links in ALOT to the old Hannibal film, theres even a guy in a wheel chair lol! But nevermind as this doesn't intervene with in gameplay much...

You should get you money's worth as Blood Money bring back Agent 47 to a great new level in so you'll love to come backl and try a different statergy each time!

In conclusion, for Hitman fans, this may be the best game yet in the series... as for those new to the game, you will require patience in order to enjoy its possiblities laid out for you. This game ain't for everyone but for those who enjoy any stealth, thriller or drama based game should love this, if not then well, its your choice...