Clever,creative and fun,Blood Money gives off the Hitman feel very well and is easily best in the series.
You play as the bald headed Agent 47 who is hired to hit bad guys silently and quick.The game gives you a lot of ways to complete your mission.There are many ways to kill your marked criminal.From setting strippers on fire to adding poison to a cops donuts there is many ways to hunt and kill your mark.There is also a ton of pedestrians you have to look out for and make sure they do not see you doing your dirty work as they will report you to cops and the FBI.Some levels will require you to take someone out and steal there outfit so you can get access to the next area of your mission.The outsiders are snoopy though and will keep there eyes on are bar coded man.So if you have to dispose of them,using fiber wire would be the best choice as it takes them out fast and silently.
If your a run and gun type of gamer this game may not appeal to you as you have to plan a strategy to take out a selected few.It can take a while to finally figure something out but it will give you a sense of satisfaction when you do.Although you can guns a blaze all over the level,you will probably die considering you will most certainly be overwhelmed bye cops who for the most part are pretty stupid,they do not run for cover but there impressive accuracy will leave you running.It takes 47 a long time to reload his guns to so that will give the AI even more time to come get you.
There is a lot of memorable moments to be found while playing Blood Money.There is one mission were you have to set up and Oprah rehearsal bye switching a prop gun with a real gun.Ya,you could only imagine what happens on the set.And then to take out the other mark you need to think nasty and plant a bomb on the ceiling and wait tell your mark gets in the right position and detonate the bomb to watch a chandelier fall on his head.That kind of stuff takes time to pull off and do but its funner than simply killing them with guns.
Variety is a big thing that is missing from most current games these days.Rehash after rehash,with game play and level design that does not change while getting further in a game.Well Blood Money saves the day yet again.There are around twelve missions in the game and there all something new to look forward to.You will see Heaven and Hell hotels,Las Vegas Casinos,Porn Suburbs,Detox Labs and a level that looks like a city from the Sims or something of that nature.There is so much to see and do in each level that you cant help but be immersed into all the different settings.
The game looks superb.The environments look lush and well detailed.There is a lot of color to them and each environment looks new and fresh from the last.You will walk bye huge crowds which looks pretty awesome and it runs at a superior frame.The crowd has a lot of recycled people and they look grainy but its still a very nice looking game overall.
Blood Money sounds great,and disturbing.The sound of strangling someone will never leave your mind.You will hear a lot of Oprah music in the game and I do not really know if thats a good thing or bad thing,but it did kind of get annoying to me after a while.
When there is no multi player Blood Money sure does a great job of adding value to the package.Each level has so many ways of completing your mission;that you will have the urge to explore every nook and cranny you possibly can to see how many ways you can kill your target.The game also has a ranking system,which is great if your into on line leader boards.
Overall, Hit man Blood Money is easily the best in the Hit man series and has a lot to offer the sick side of your mind.Its a pretty easy game and if your not sure you want to pay the full 50$ give it a rent it will be the best 7$ you will spend in a long time to come.