Possibly the best Hitman game so far

User Rating: 8.3 | Hitman: Blood Money PS2
The Hitman series are stealth games that put you in the role of a bald headed assassin only known as 47. The newest Hitman, Hitman:Blood Money is the newest a possibly the best Hitman game released. The game is just like the other Hitman games on the PS2. Also like the previous games in the series you will be completing missions that have you taking out a single target or a few targets, trying to go unseen through the level.
HItman: Blood Money is pretty much like the past Hitman games with a few new features to the gameplay. One of the new features is the meter that will fill up when you have been careless in previous missions, that could include leaving bodies in the open, being noticed too much, making to much noise, or drawing too much attention to yourself. You will be able to clear this meter with bribes using money that you earn for each mission. Besides this new addition to the game, it is pretty much like the other games in the series.
The game will take you through a variety of locations that will each have their own unique level to complete your mission. You can still stalk a guard or innocent person, kill them and disguise yourself to go undetected through the level. Even though you may blend into the area and people will not notice that you are really a hired killer, if you make too much noise by shooting your guns or acting suspicious and being in the wrong area dressed as the wrong person, you will be detected. The game can be fun to just run through the level and kill everyone in sight, but the game is best in it's original form, a stealth based game.
As a fan of the Hitman series I knew I would like this game from the start, but even if you are new to the series or just want to try a new game out, Hitman:Blood Money will not let you down.