Hitman: blood money is a great game, but its not for every one
The gameplay is very fun, between the stealth, and the shooting its just different than most games out there. The stealth is easy to use, pull and hold the left trigger to enter, and its as easy as that, no need to see if you are walking to fast, because its all set up. The shooting is, fun ofcourse the right trigger is to shoot, the “X” button is to equip and un-equip weapons. You have a great selection of weapons, and you can view them from third or first person, because you can switch the views in the game with the click of the right analog stick. The first person actually isn’t as enjoyable as you would think, its sort of bland, and the weapons don’t have the feed back you want, and you cant see the surroundings like you need to.
The graphics, are amazing one of the best in my opinion, Io Interactive took the best graphics they could get, and fit it into this really enjoyable game. The environments are nice to look at, and look as good as they need to be. The animations of the player models, look great, the detail of the player models are even better. But agent 47 moves like he should, like a murderer, coming to kill some unlucky guy.
The sound is pretty weak in the game, the guns sound really crappie, and the non- important people in the game, say the same thing over and over. The voice over acting is great, agent 47 doesn’t quite sound like it fits his character, but its good enough.
The re-play value of the game, is almost none, unless you really enjoy the game and think its one of the best games of all. The game has no multiplayer, which means a single player only so I recommend you just rent the game, you could beat it in a couple of days
Overall I have to say this is the best hitman game yet. You should check it out if you enjoy third person, or even FPS games because it’s a good game that should just grip you from the start!