If you've liked previous installments and don't mind more of the same then you'll love this as much as I do.
As awesome a soundtrack as ever.
Imaginative Scenario's.
Great stealth action.
Notoriety/Blood Money system is fun and adds more depth.
Variety in the way you can take out your targets adds some replay vaule, atleast for those sick in the head enough to wanna replay it just to kill people in numerous different ways ;)
Good AI
Challgenging difficulty, though not so challenging that its just frustrating.
Cons: That great stealth action is for the most part unchanged from that of Hitman: Contracts.
Notoriety/Blood Money system could be fleshed out some more.
Before I even heard of the Hitman series I've wanted a Hitman simulator.
Then I found Hitman 2. The demo, atleast.
It was awesome and I played that one level over and over and over.
Almost always finding something new. Whether it was a new disguise to use, a new route to enter or a new way to accomplish the overall goal of taking out my hit.
Eventually, I got to play Contracts. As the first full hitman game I've ever played I was not deterred by the fact that some (or most?) of the missions were remastered versions of missions in the original Hitman.
But it still lacked a little something, something to bring it closer to the "simulation" genre.
And Blood Money brings this in to some degree. Money!
Finally, getting paid to do it.
Using money to bribe officials or buy a new identity or new bits and pieces for your guns.
I was very pleased with the addition of Blood Money and it brings Hitman one step closer to the Hitman simulation I imagine in my head.
For the rest of you, if you've played previous Hitman games and liked them then you'll likely find this to be enjoyable too.
Just don't be too disapointed if it's largely unchanged.