.Graphics-Not so awesome. While some parts(the environment, the frame rate) are great, other parts(the characters and graphical glitches) are more annoying. Though I can understand since this game was meant for the current-gen systems.
.Sound-Cool. Gunshots sound like gunshots. Using a syringe to poison someone sounds like using a syringe to poison someone. People who get shot in the leg sound like they should when groaning and screaming. A body splashing in a river after being pushed off a ledge and falling 50 feet sounds great. And thats how it should be.
.Value-High. Due to the sheer number of ways to pull off a mission, replay value is really high. And I value this game a lot(read paragraph 1 for more details). So take that for what you will.
Overall, this is a great unappreciated game in a world where graphics and looks are everything. I like it.