While it's true that technologically this game has not come very far, it is also true that the gameplay is tried and true. If there were more of the previous hitman game, I'd play it now, and that's pretty much what Hitman: Contracts is. When it's described in Gamespot's review as being more like an expansion pack (albiet a VERY large one), it's right on the money. It would have been nice to see the rough edges smoothed (the way stealth kills with knives, syringes, garrotes, etc are animated/shown could be vastly improved with today's tech, making what is a KEY to the game even more satisfying) and the whole Hitman experience brought into 2004, but even as it is, it's worth buying if you like the series. More than anything, I hope the makers of hitman make a further sequel using next generation FPS Technology and make the next installment all that it could be, since from a design standpoint, they have OBVIOUSLY not lost their touch. From a level design and artistic standpoint, Hitman: Contracts is a resounding achievement. The first level is good... but the second, in which you make your way through a slaughterhouse filled with butchers, and S&M partygoers is masterful. Hitman: Contracts is an experience marred only by the fact that it leaves you wondering what it COULD have been if it's source engine had been truly upgraded along with it's overall concept.
now i am a veteran player of the great Hitman series which has been my favorite series for a while, so i eagerly waited for Hitman:Contracts the 3rd game in the series well i got it and was plesantly relieved to find it ... Read Full Review
The question of whether video games breed murderers or those with psychotic tendencies are drawn to violent titles tends to crop up every once in a while, both in the global media and here in my office. A few of my cowo... Read Full Review