A good run and gun when stealth fails
There is no story to this game or atleast one that I never saw. It appears that 47 was shot and stumbles into his apartment so this means he's out of action for most of the game. Instead your playing out 47's memories of past asassinations. I suppose there really is no need for a story for hitman because you're an assasin doing the dirty work for clients. But silent assassin was able to implement a good story while keeping to the missions.
This game won't really last you long. The missions aren't too big so if you know what to do then you'll beat the mission quick. There wasn't really much missions and I found myself completing most of the missions in one whole afternoon. The game didn't last as long as what silent assassin did. There will be missions where you'll will die or fail over and over again or forced to restart because you stuffed up. So you'll have to have the patience to play this game and you'll have to be determined to beat the level. It's no goood giving up on the first 3 screw ups.
In my opinion, the missions were unimaginative. In one mission all yo had to do was run around ad gun down all the blue lotus gang with in the level and that was it besides running to the exit. Silent assassin missions were tougher than these so if you're a hitman fan and looking for a challenge, you'll be a little disappointed. Basically there is nothing new in this game, nothing that you haven't done in silent assassin. So I'll have to see if blood money will suffer the same fait or if it'll implement a good story and include loads more guns and more challenging levels.