Confusing gameplay
Before every mission, a movie is rolled. I don't understand this. I don't see the meaning of it. And I haven't gotten long enough into the game to figure it out. Even though that i have played for quite a while.
Once again, I must remind you all off this bad way to start a mission. You get no description of the mission or where to find the target. You just get to the scene and then you are told that you must kill certain guys. I loved the way you got small movies and pictures in the beginning of the mission, to identify the target and the surroundings.
I think that it is confusing get thrown into a situation like that, and often, it is hard to be stealth and therefore it may end up in a massacre instead of The Silent Killer.
I stopped playing, because I got to a place that I think is a very hard situation. Once you enter the level, SWAT will enter your hotel room in less than a minute. - They are in the hallway and on the streets, so you can't totally hide. Everywhere you go, they see you, so you just have to run for it for a while.
That isn't the way the game is supposed to be played. And just to make bad WORSE, once I got to the street in safety, I didn't know what to do. I ran around for half an hour, in a very small area, but still couldn't find the exit. That is what I mean by a bad description of the mission..