ninja gaiden, iririon style
its hard for it to grow on you..
and it's exactly like trying to teach your grandma how to skate..
ok, let me explain..
remember the good old days where you used to play iridion in the arcade?
plain and simple and easy to use..
you just put a quarter in the slot and there you go..
so now they had to change it up..
revamp something thats already good..
so basically you collect points from killing enemies..
and using these points, you buy your 'doll'
whats a doll? a doll is the equivalent of your lazer shooting spaceship in iridion..
anyway, you can detonate your dolls when the 'detonator' bar is full..
(only use it if youre in a pinch)
and yes, it costs you a doll if you detonate your doll..
and you should probably youtube some of the dolls..
there was one doll who only could swing her 'sword' from side to side..
and that 'sword' is only about the size of the doll...
yea.. i hate it..
i tot the gundemonium games were good..
so why did they have to come up with this atrocity?
the sprites look like crap,
the enemies are everywhere,
and its costs you money to buy dolls..
and i swear, you'll die a ton..
you're technically buying suicide bombers for all the worth those dolls are..
if you're a terrorist, buy this game.
if you hate dolls, buy this game and obliterate all those freaking malformed dolls..
so point being.....
dont buy this game......