In Hogwarts Legacy, you control your own created fifth year wizard, who has the ability to wield ancient magic (whatever that means) and is solving the mystery of magical insignias, which he or she can only see. That's the gist of the main story.
While, it is true that the game was very immersive during the first part of the game, while exploring Hogwarts and its grounds, but it quickly fell apart after the Richard Jackdaw's quest - then the game became more of a one man versus an army sort of game. Don't get me wrong, the combat mechanics what kept me going on throughout the main and majority of side quests, but, that's it was all that the game had to offer for me.
Much of the game's mechanics were opened up to you progressively (in each part of the game), so, it felt that 80 percent of the game was just a tutorial for this and that, which I did not like. You want to fly a broom? Oh, well, you've got to wait until the end of the first part. You want to be a 'monster rancher/pokemon trainer' - second part of the game. You want to learn dark magic? Third part of the game! By that time, I was not even interested in new mechanics the game opened-up. Too little, to late so to speak.
The game had few fun parts: mainly the combat and the flying challenges. Everything else was either in terms of from "eh, I guess it's alright" to "wow, this actually sucks". I guess, I could say that the main quest was sort of interesting, if not a cliche kinda thing (only you can do everything). The side content... not so much, mainly because the voice acting was so flat and emotionless that I kept wandering whether the voice actors are simply reading from a piece of paper their lines or something.
Detailed Hogwarts castle and the environs
Souless open-world
Uninspired side content
Voice acting
Frame drops
My advice? Wait for steep price drop.