Terrible, it's official BORING on a PS2 disc.
It is one of the most boring games I have ever had the unfortunate fate of playing. It is not very engaging at all, the controls are a pain in the arse.
I would not suggest this game for anyone. Just stick with the movies, the graphics are rubbish and the enemies are badly designed and are pretty annoying to get rid of.
As a nine-year old at the time I got this game I myself was very unimpressed and went back to playing the Sly Cooper series. Now THAT is a BRILLIANT series trust me.
The multiplayer option on this game is very bad, seriously who would use a spring to trip somebody up? That is unimaginative thinking dev blast! should be ashamed of themselves for bearing such a terrible game to the gaming world we love and treasure!
Even at £1.50 it was a rip-off, I wouldn't even pay half a penny for this game!