We waited this long for a game that takes 2 hours to beat the campaign and you can't even play MP without a pass.
The campaign is way too short I beat it in 2 hours on normal there was no effort what so ever the game was just too easy to beat each mission, it is a very frustrating game because the AI is very buggy, the enemies seem to only shoot at you when you are visible to them and your allies do nothing what so ever to help you. The game was too linear games these days should be better based on decisions the voice acting was terrible. And even worse it seems games are veering away from Co-op play do they not realize that people want to sit down and split screen it up and play together or even online co-op would have been a better option for this game but that was way out of the question.
I have not even tried playing the MP section of the game yet I realize you can play up against 32 players in the game a massive increase from Call of Duty but still it falls short again I had been ready to play and up comes "Please enter a pass code to continue ranking past level 5" now the last time I checked this was a THQ game and not an EA game but EA has really been getting under my skin lately with their online pass's not only do we pay 60 dollars for a new game plus internet and for xbox 360 users they pay an extra fee of 50 dollars to play games like such, the only reason I bring this up is because I rented the game and this really crunches on that part of the industry I refuse to pay 60 dollars on games as being a student, the online pass should not be implemented its terrible
THQ should just stick to making wrestling games like it has in the past, THQ has no place in First person shooters because this game is just not worth the buy what so ever, it is a rental and that is all it is. And the fact that I heard comments going around saying "This is going to replace call of duty" tough cookies it surely won't this has already in my books crashed very hard as far as I am concerned.