it isnt a perfect game,needs a lot of work in order to compete with todays FPS,my GOOD and The BAD Points here.

User Rating: 6.5 | Homefront X360
Homefront is yet another FPS game that has a war theme with it.It also seems that more and more game companies are starting to invest in modern first person shooter such as Call Of Duty series and Medal Of Honor.Homefront has the same genre among the first person shooters but this one seems more like a propaganda campaign against the Nkoreans.whats going on?

The Good:
One good feature i found in homefront is the textures in the open fields on a few missions.
The game is very quick and doesnt bore you as much as some FPS games do.
The weapons are quite good in the graphical manner and the changing of rounds also looks pretty neat.
Fire and smoke seems to be very good ,smokes and explosions around different locations also look very good.
The characters arent perfect but looks OK for a first try out.
some scenes are very good and dramatic.
Levels are also the same way and you will be seeing amazing architectural landscapes and scenarios.
The aim pointer that shows you where to shoot, in this FPS is not perfect but it is alright and works great.
Light and the effect of the camera is to some extent amazing and new,for example if you look at some lights in details you will get a camera effect on that also,which looks like a wet out of focus mask which is again very good.
We also witness a few good gadgets through out the game,like for example a drone strike and so on.

The Bad:
I encountered a lot of bugs during the campaign mode.You cannot really get to where every you want,and also you cant get close to your comrades,you always have to be about a meter away from them.
The character design is OK but some voices doesnt match the lips or the character itself.
You dont have a radar or nothing here, you keep wondering where to go.
Dont know why but the whole game looks more or less like propaganda scenario.
To show americans like that and the North koreans the way the game shows,its just not cool for a game.
The campaign mode is very short and does not really offer much,i think.
Its just worth playing the game on easy since it gets very hard on other mode.
The brutality of the game is very much negative altogether,since it is just foreign invasion of the US and again i can pretty much see a biased story line.(but who can blame a FPS game).
The basic idea of the game is good but a few bad elements can destroy the story very easily.
Doesnt really offer very much weapons altogether.

My Point Of View:
The game is OK its not bad but not perfect either,it is good to check the price before you buy it,not that much details on anything during the gameplay,but after all it is a FPS and i believe most people like these kind of genre.
I did like some scenes during the campaign but the game needs a lot of work to actually compete with today's FPS market.