Kind of the like the fat, easy chick of games. It will do in a bind, but I'm not going to brag about it to my friends!
CHALLENGING sounds good you say! And it would be if I it were the AI I was talking about. Or even if it was the way you had to conserve ammo, or pick the right weapon for the job, or pick your targets wisely.
But challenging should not be used for stepping over a small wall or porch railing.
Press space bar right? First time I did that I was stuck on the wrong side of the wall, couldn't budge an ich in any direction. Apparently I was a victim of one to many nights spent eating at Taco Bell.
The good news is, when I reloaded the checkpoint, I was on the other side of the wall. Whew! Disaster avoided! How EXHILARATING!
Then later I had to follow my guys over a small porch railing. The turret I was to destroy kept mowing me down because apparently pressing E or SPACEBAR or even the old CROUCH/JUMP combo of CounterStrike days could not get my fat ass over the porch railing. The turret mowed me down many time before I guess I hit the right combination of keys at exactly the right angle and BAM!, what do you know? I was over the railing! How EXHILARATING!
I can't think of any other game that has caused so much emotion from while I accomplished so little. Hey I made it over that LOW PORCH RAILING! WOOT! WOOT!
The good parts of the game made me think of Half-Life. Mainly how I should load it up again and play thru it again after all these years.
And it made me think of Call of Duty 4, and how THAT game sure would be fun to play again too!
Then it finally made me think of STALKER. And how this game would suck a lot less if it was open-ended.
I'll finish it because it is an okay game. And if you can get it on sale for under $15 then I would recommend it you get it too.
Just don't expect a game you can take home to mother or brag to your friends about.