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User Rating: 3 | Homefront PS3
Have yourself put up with the games many re-acurring problems such as air bubbles, A.I glitches, people who think it's a good idea to move into your face while unloading, poor graphics, and best of all things, FREEZES!
So if your looking for an average shooter, this might be good, but....

Good- Weapons are good, good story, and awsome multi-player.

But here's the difference,

Bad- Horrible A.I, Bad acting, forgetable characters, poor attempts to get emotionable with the game's dark story line, stupid action sequences, glitch bugs the size of trucks, the game is 4 or 5 hours long unless you have invincibility because you'll never survive, way to small gernade warning signs, too many gernades thrown by the enemy, some weapons don't even have recolio, some of the worst enemies in this series history, bad ending, bad final boss fight, the golieth, weak weapons, little to no personal freedoms, and the main side kicks ***** and complain and they take forever to decide to help you open a simple door. And I am not done, uncaring deaths, unfair hit detection, slow regenerating heath, small and unprotectible but surprisingly industructable objects, random weapons usuage by enemies, you can't get ammunition from the same gun as you have unless it's exactly the same thing but you have to use it anyway if you have ran out of ammo, bulky armor v.s knife? No problem. You have to put in a "Battle code" to unlock and play multi-player now here's the problem with that even, if you have waited a couple months to get the game marked down, then you get it used, then that's you mastake because not only did the previous owner unlocked the multi-player on his or her system using the code on the paper you got in the cover box. So that means you'll have to go to Playstation N, and get the code for ten bucks, and it wouldn't been even worth it since there are many hackers online. Game freezes every hour or so. And the top the bad list over all, Halo 2 leveled Cliffhangar ending.

That was a mouth full, so over all THQ has failed my first impressions, but I hope for the best of HomeFront 2.
Bad game 3.0