Just give it a chance....
So after quitting in about 2 weeks, I'm here about 2 years later giving it another chance.. why? because its FREE for 15 days. Guess what, I got abck into the game and really enjoyed myself. The combat is alot like everyquest but with way better spell effects and moves for melee. The graphics aren't as bad as the screenshots might make you think. In fact i like them a lot better than new age games because they give it a feal of fantasy and some realism.
All you have to do is find a good group of people to play with, and now that all servers are made into one there are actually a lot of ppl playing even at low lvls.
Just give it a chance, you can be any class you want at any time, then progress to prestiges classes that kick ass. Also for you crafters (im not one) I've heard its really fun. In fact some ppl dont' even adventure, they just craft.
I could talk all day why you should try it, but the fact is its a really fun, DEEP game. The admins can do a lot in the world on the fly. I'd almost go as far as to say that this game is ahead of its time, and that was part of its downfall. just try it, I'll bet half of you will get addicted.