A steep learning curve brings this game down.

User Rating: 5.9 | Hoshigami DS
Ok I bought this game 3 days ago and got into it for about 8 hours and i dont even think i scratched the surface because the box says anywhere from 50 to 60 hours of gameplay this would be alright if the game was actually good. sure the graphics are good and the sound is good but man talk about a steep learning curve. i cant even began to explain the concept behind any of the coins in the game or blah whatever to much to learn exspecially for a handheld video game. The story is good but theres just something i dont like about this game. i'm still going to give it a shot and play for a few more hours and see were it gets me. Hurry up zelda i cant wait for that release until then i guess i have to keep picking up these so called psone remakes on my ds oh well there probably is a fan base for this game out there but i cant see why.