Close but no Cigar - Not quite Theme Hospital, in fact, Not Quite There
Although there are the cute people, with cute disease names, and the same ideas as in Theme Hospital, Hospital Tycoon just seems to be a poor imitator. The game has 16 levels which are quite easy and took me less than 10 hours from start to finish. Actually, quite a bit less, it was over in a day.
I am just glad I only paid £4.99 for this, otherwise I would have felt ripped off. There is a chance for Codemasters to actually win with this game, just issue a patch or two which enhance the gameplay, and CHANGE THE VOICES (so irritating). More than anything, this game needs more levels, and I really don't see the point of a Sandbox mode. Once you have played for a few hours, it is all more of the same old. If there were tens, or even hundreds of diseases to discover, with multiple different hospital layouts (not just 4!!!) then maybe Sandbox would stand a chance.
As it stands, DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE FOR THIS. You are better off spending £5 on Theme Hospital which is still available on bargain labels. It is by far superior game. Come on Codemasters, add more to this game already, it cannot have taken that long to develop, and could really be a contender for the new Theme Hospital crown. BTW, if you had not guessed, I STILL play Theme Hospital and LOVE IT.