A simple swing mechanic does not a bad game make! This game is fun, realistic, and several hours of entertainment!
HIGH POINTS: Realism. That's right, I said it!! The golf physics are among the most realistic you will find, in some instances, more so than Tiger Woods! The wind, the slant of the ball, its lie, whether it is raining, elevation, and so much more all come into play in this game! You want to spin the ball? You better decide BEFORE you hit the ball, and you better hit it perfect, unlike Tiger Woods, where you can spin it according to where your ball is going AFTER you hit it, AND you REVERSE SPIN in mid air! (lets spin left...oh crap no! Now lets go right! Gimme a break) Thats not realistic!! And, you won't find those TW Gamebreakers here, which means that if you get a Hole in One, it actually MEANS something!
Challenge. I know some people like easy games, and for those of you who fit under that discription...maybe this game isnt for you. Sure, the game starts of easy, but towards the end it gets TOUGH! I will admit, I have gotten frustrated a number of times, but it just makes it mean that much more when you succeed! And, for the most part, the game is not cheap (read: artificial difficult thorugh bullcrap means). A couple of the rules in the later Stage Qualifiers approach "cheap" status, but aren't extremely bad.
Graphics and Variety. THough the graphics are sorta cartoonish, the courses look great! And, unlike TW, this game gives you around 15 courses play, and they arent the same EVERY YEAR! Seven of the courses are entirely new to the series! In Tiger Woods, you get to play Sawgrass and The Masters with each addition...sweet. Or boring. Whatever. Finally, this game has somewhere around 25 playable golfers. In my opinion. A good number of characters to master, and a reward system for the characters you use the most! A nice touch!
LOW POINTS: I have harped on this game alot, but it does have its downfalls. The lack of a Create-a-Golfer option hurts alot, and I would like to see that in future installments. The swing mechanic is antiquated. It fits the game well, but surely future installments will eventually leave this formula in the wake. However, classic golf is still as fun as it was in '96 and shouldn't hold you back too much. Also, the challenging to the point of almost cheapness is enough of a frustration to mention again. Its a two-edged sword...really. The music is also EXTREMELY CHEESY, so you will probably want to turn it off...just a suggestion...
THE SCOOP: A really great golf game! Anybody who is tired of Tiger Woods or finds that game to be too easy (and it is) and are looking to flex there golf intelligence on some new courses will find alot of entertainment and challenge in this game. Try it out! And now, its a Greatest Hit! Get it cheap!!