Two words... ON LINE BABY!! (ooops, thats 3..)

User Rating: 9.9 | Hot Shots Golf Fore! PS2
I've always loved the hot shots series. I've played every instalment and enjoyed them all. They've always been addictive and fun, ecspecialy when you play with friends... which untill now meant your "real" friends. But now... on top of unlocking all the fun goofy equipment, and all the awsome courses, you can now Take you game on line!!! The on-line mode is way better than i excpected. It lets you pit your self against up-to 40 players from around the world in a crazy tournament mode that will own you. I've already got the top notch on the weekly rankings list for the Aloha course, and I can't wait to defend my spot next week. You must get this game!!!