never quite sure why it always takes Sony such a long time to release Hot Shots Golf game. In the past, typically a Hot Shots game would arrive in the U.S. about 6 months after being released in Japan. For this fifth iteration, we've waited a total of eight months. Make no mistakes about it, as I'll emphasize this profusely: I wholeheartedly believe that the Hot Shots Golf franchise is the epitome of videogame golf. It's always looked deceiving, thanks to its heavily Japanese art-style, and yet it always features one of the best representations of the sport. Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds is no different; it continues the tradition of the ongoing franchise, by never boring the gamer, and always offering a rewarding experience. So after waiting eight months for our go at the fifth Hot Shots Golf game, I can certainly say that the wait was well worth it. Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds is the epitome of the franchise, and perhaps the epitome of golf games. It continues to be both accessible and yet immensely deep, at the same time. The addictive nature of the game knows no bounds, and it makes shelling out $60 for the game very worth it. On top of that, the online sessions can make for some great fun, and supporting offline four player support is also a great move. A round of applause for Clap Hanz. And yes, that was yet another pun.
Hot Shots Golf has always been a consistently good golf game and it has become even better in Out of Bounds. First, the menu system is really quite nice; with nice backgrounds and easy-to-use options. The game also has... Read Full Review
I'll be the first to admit that i'm not the biggest golf fan in the world and to be honest really cant stand watching it for too long, but a buddy of mine suggested the game so i downloaded the demo and i was just hooked... Read Full Review