Awesome game, fun to play with an online that is out of this world, solid game!!

User Rating: 9 | Minna no Golf 5 PS3
When i got this game i knew that i was getting a good game and that i would not be disappointed because of the past hot shots but i was not expecting the online they added to it. Its awesome and alot of fun. For the online it looks like they took the outline for PLAYSTATION HOME. You can create your own player (cartoon) and walk around lobbies and talk to other players and interact with. When you want to get into a game you just have to sign up for a game and wait until the time stated on the sheet. (e.i. 12:15, 12:25,12:45, etc.). The gameplay still as good as always with a new twist added "advance shot" which is a little harder than "tradition shot" but it gives you more control on the club and ball. Overall another awesome hot shots game that i love and if you have played any of the others this is one to look at, and a great game to add to your collect. I give it an 9 out of 10.