A very good adventure game

User Rating: 8.6 | Hotel Dusk: Room 215 DS
Hotel Dusk is a surprising game. For one thing, it's an adventure game that pretty much uses the same conventions used in the genre 15 years ago and yet it's quite innovative.

The first thing you notice about the game is the art style. The visuals are not exactly incredible and yet they work well. The characters are pretty cool since they have hand drawn animation in a style that's hard to describe. Beyond the artsy look of the characters though, it's really not a gorgeous game. The game makes good use of the DS capabilities. You hold the DS sideway like a book to play the game and play with the stylus. The game's biggest flaw in my opinion is the dialog system. This is an adventure game, so dialog is expected and even welcome. The developers however chose to make each dialog and the result of each action (say you knock on a door) to be non-skippable. It's just so very slow and long. You can hold a button to make the text appear a little faster, but the lack of an option to make it appear instantly is a mystery. I have a hard time believing the developers and tester never saw the need for such an option.

It really is too bad because other than that, the game really is fun. The story so far is pretty good. It's a noir detective story and the gameplay puzzle are pretty well done. It's often difficult to know what to do next, but once you do find out the next step, it always makes sense.

If you love adventure game, this one's a good one to pick up. It's just too bad the pacing is so slow because of the lack of a simple option.