The best DS game period!

User Rating: 9.5 | Hotel Dusk: Room 215 DS
Hotel Dusk is just down right an amazing game. When I first found this game at ebgames I was drawn to its cover, I bought it brought it home played for about 20 mins and stopped for 1 motnh...Why? I found it boring, but then I picked it back up got a little furthure and I could never put it down even if my life depended on it. It is such an amazing game the art style and the story are just epic. The game is a must own for DS owners it is a rare gem to find since it was discountinued so look on ebay or something. It is my 10th Favorite game of all time up there with the big boys like Resident evil 2 and MGS series. It is a game I would pay 60 dollars for and I still own it till this day.The game will keep you asking for more and more even when you think there is nothing left to talk about, it always opend up more doors for twists and unbelieveable outcomes. Buy this game right now or else Nintendo will come down on you with great force!