Although it is a neat game, it should've been a book....

User Rating: 8.3 | Hotel Dusk: Room 215 DS
This is a good game, I'll admit that, but it just seems more like a book than anything else. It is a fantastic game-erm, story that is. This does suck you in and make you want more form the game, but once you reach the end-thats it. The end, game over. I can't see any replay value in this in anyway I look at it, unless that is if you're addicted to the matchstick puzzles and like the comical thoughts Kyle has when he looks at Mr. Summers. Heres a small crackdown:

Game play- aside from touching to screen to walk to a place, tapping to make the text continue, and solving a few minor puzzles and tiny (TINY) mini games, there really isn't much game play here. I mean, besides from what i mentioned, sometimes it required you to bend an object, fix a puzzle, flip a switch, peel off a wine label and a few other things. Those things only happen to last a matter of seconds, and in my opinion, would've meant more if they lasted longer, even if it was a tiny bit longer.

Story- the story is great. You will want to know what happens next, thats for sure. The story does have TONS of plot twists to it, so when you think you've figured it out, watch out. Something will twist, oh yeah, it'll twist more than a persons nips in an S&M club. Oh yeah, i went there. Believe it baby. Value- I don't really know what to say. The game does have a great value story wise, but like I said, it's like a book. Once you read it, whats the point, right? That about sums it up. In conclusion, it's a good game, but if it were 'ported' to a book, there wouldn't be much difference, that is if the book included pictures.