Hotel Dusk: The New Standard for DS Games

User Rating: 9 | Hotel Dusk: Room 215 DS
Hotel Dusk is one of the DS games that is actually revolutionary and brings big honor to its name. The touch screen is used very well for the minigames and writing notes to yourself. At first the movement seems somewhat sluggish and clunky with how you hold the DS like a book. After the intial 2-3 minutes it seems almost unnatural to stop holding that way. The difficulty of this game varies on how good you are at MYST, if you can pretty much get farther than the docks you can play this game. If it does get too tricky just go to the forums to ask a direction or two, but I only had to do that twice. Moving on, the tunes are pretty catchy and the graphics seem above par to other DS games including some that are coming out now.The speaking and debating with the other Hotel Dusk guest is intriguing but what really will suck you into this game is the plot. If you like the Mario RPGs or Star Wars RPGs or even Shadow of Destiny, you'll love this game and the story seems to really play off you and possibly even your emotions.