This Game Was given a 10, this man obviosouly needs attention or some kind of mental help.
User Rating: 3.7 | Hour of Victory X360
Hour of Victory went through a long enough time in developement to *not* suck this much. This game is terribly flawed and is at best a preview of a game the first day in the making. I'm not sure if Miday and Infusion were confused on which systems the game was being made on but it reminds me of something from the playstation ( not playstation 2 SILLY), This game offers Standard FPS gameplay. There is nothing here to make you buy this game.
The Small Time hype wasnt deserved, there is really nothing else to say about this game, this is a wolfenstein rip off and doesnt even earn the name (Wolfenstein Ripoff). The point is do not buy this game.